The Benefits of Spay or Neuter Procedures Outweigh the Risks

Modern living has a lot going for it. It’s safe, clean, and super efficient. But the sheer amount of choices from minute to minute can be exhausting. Fortunately, some decisions are easy to make, especially if there are far more advantages than drawbacks. Regarding the choice to spay or neuter a pet, the positive results are clear. It may not be a straightforward decision for some pet owners out there, and we’re happy to help you reach a conclusion that supports your pet’s health.
First Things First
Possibly the biggest concern for pet owners is the surgery itself. Undoubtedly, anesthesia and surgical procedures are not without risk. That’s why we take extra precautions before and throughout your pet’s entire stay to ensure they’ll pull through with flying colors. A thorough physical exam is always required before surgery.
Pre-anesthetic blood work can reveal certain health problems that may lead to issues in the operating room, but mostly, it assures us that a pet is strong enough to handle anesthesia. We use lab results to assess concerns and minimize the risks associated with anesthesia.
What Happens
We are highly skilled at performing spay or neuter procedures at Dupont Veterinary Clinic. Classified as outpatient procedures, it usually takes under an hour to complete. We admit patients in the morning, and release them in the afternoon with specific care instructions.
When a female pet is spayed, we open the abdomen and remove the ovaries and uterus before closing the tissue and skin with sterile sutures. A male is neutered after the removal of the testicles.
Why We Recommend It
The advantages of a spay or neuter are far-reaching and long-lasting. Not only does a spay/neuter prevent unwanted pregnancies and add to the overpopulation of pets that need homes, but the procedure curbs many problematic behaviors. Wandering, escaping, spraying, and humping are greatly reduced afterwards.
The additional health benefits of a spay or neuter procedure include:
- Decreased risk of breast or testicular cancers
- Reduced chance of uterine infections
- Prostate problems are minimized
- Reduces aggression
Spay or Neuter Before They Go Into Heat
Pets should be spayed or neutered before they go into heat, or when they are 5-6 months old. Contrary to popular belief, spaying or neutering does not mean they will develop weight problems. Weight gain and obesity are the direct result of overfeeding and lack of exercise, not spaying or neutering.
Contribute to the Solution
The cats and dogs we know and love are very active breeders. If left to their own devices, they have the potential to add exponentially to their bloodline, and affect the crisis of overpopulation.
If you have any questions about whether or not to spay or neuter your pet, our veterinarians and staff members are always here for you at Dupont Veterinary Clinic at Coldwater. Give us a call at (260) 637-7676.