Dog Looking Up With Sad Eyes

It’s that special time of year that includes family time, fall hikes, and delicious Thanksgiving dishes. Unfortunately, it’s also that time of year that may include a scenario like this: the trash can on the floor, its contents all over the kitchen, leftover turkey carcass and bits of foil smeared everywhere.

As you clean up the mess, you may be wondering how much and what your pet ate. Instead of rushing to Dr. Google, please call us to ensure your pet’s safety!

While this scenario can occur at any time of the year, holidays like Thanksgiving definitely see an uptick in pets ingesting foods that can be harmful to them. To help you navigate the holiday, Dupont Veterinary Clinic wants to alert you to thanksgiving foods that can be harmful to pets, and give you some safe and healthy alternatives.

Thanksgiving Foods That Can Be Harmful to Pets

Any foods given to your pet in excess can set them up for too many calories, weight problems, and obesity. Unfortunately, thanksgiving foods are full of fat, salt, and richness that your pet (and you!) may find irresistable.

But rich, fatty, and sugary foods should be completely off the table for your pet. Animals seldom tolerate these foods, and can end up with gastrointestinal upset, a foreign body obstruction, or even a life threatening condition called pancreatitis.

Harmful Holiday Foods

The following thanksgiving foods that are harmful to pets can cause toxicity, GI upset, and even be life threatening. Avoid:

  • Chocolate
  • Xylitol (a sugar substitute)
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Onions and garlic
  • Stone fruit
  • Alcohol
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Yeasted bread dough
  • Bones, turkey skin and fat, and gravy

Enjoying the Holidays

In addition to excess and the above mentioned problem foods, pets that get into garbage cans and compost bins can also be at risk for problems. Make sure clean up happens promptly and that pets are not left alone with access to these areas.

The good news is that you can still enjoy the holidays with your pet by finding other fun things to do together. On the morning of Thanksgiving, have some extra snuggle time, a walk in the woods, or toss the ball at a beautiful park that you both enjoy.

You can also include them in some of the holiday treats by offering one of the following healthy options:

  • A small piece of lean, white turkey meat
  • A spoonful of unseasoned mashed sweet potatoes or pumpkin
  • Steamed carrots or green beans

However you’re celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday this year, remember to help your pets stay safe and healthy. We’re so grateful for all of you and your pets and look forward to providing excellent care for them. Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.