If you’ve spent any time with us here at Dupont Veterinary Clinic, you know that we place a huge emphasis on the relationship between our staff and you.

An important part of providing your pet with the caring and professional service they deserve is cultivating a relationship between our staff and you! 

To help you get to know us a little better, we sat down for a little Q and A session with our doctors. Some of their answers to our questions may surprise you!

Getting to Know the Dupont Veterinary Clinic Doctors

If you were not a Veterinarian, what would your other dream career be and why?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer Horticulture/Landscaping because I like to garden and enjoy plants/flowers and working outside.

Dr. Jill RietdorfProfessional Organizer because I love to clean, declutter, and organize.

Dr. Gabby Maddox Owning an animal sanctuary or rescue.

Dr. Valerie TratnyekArtist because it feeds my creative side.

Dr. Amy Boxberger Dentist or orthodontist because they have great hours and there is something very satisfying about cleaning and straightening teeth!

Dr. Rachel Riley Acrobat because I’ve always said I would run away to the circus.

What was your first pet?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer “Thistle” a Brittany Spaniel 

Dr. Jill Rietdorf as a child it was “Buffy” a Lhasa apso.  As an adult it was “Zoey” a kitty.

Dr. Gabby Maddox   a Norwegian Elkhound.

Dr. Valerie Tratnyek “Misty” a poodle.

Dr. Amy Boxberger I always had a family dog but the first pet of my own was a hamster named Ginger.

Dr. Rachel Riley A dog.

What is your favorite animal?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer Boxers.

Dr. Jill Rietdorf Cats and dogs.

Dr. Gabby Maddox Wolves.

Dr. Valerie Tratnyek Pygmy goats.

Dr. Amy Boxberger Oooh, that is a tough one…I honestly don’t know if I have one favorite.  I have many favorites for different reasons!

Dr. Rachel Riley Golden Retrievers have a special place in my heart.

If you could ask ‘your pet’ one question what would it be?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer Why are you staring at me like that?

Dr. Jill Rietdorf Why do you cry for food when your dish isn’t empty?

Dr. Gabby Maddox   What can I do better?

Dr. Valerie Tratnyek Why do you eat rabbit poop???

Dr. Amy BoxbergerIs your bed comfy enough? (Answer: No, that’s why I always sleep in yours!)

If you could travel anywhere to practice veterinary medicine, where would you go, and what species would it be with?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer Australia/New Zealand – I would be happy to work with any species 😊

Dr. Jill Rietdorf Somewhere tropical and warm – I would still work with cats and dogs.

Dr. Gabby Maddox   Alaska – I would work with wolves or penguins.

Dr. Valerie Tratnyek Maui – I would still work with small animals, but with much better views!

Dr. Amy Boxberger Treating dogs in 3rd world countries, seeing them without basic medical care breaks my heart.

Dr. Rachel Riley The Land of Golden Retrievers.

What is the funniest question an owner has asked you?

Dr. Elizabeth Schaeffer1. If I was pregnant (I was not) 2. If I was seeing anyone

Dr. Jill Rietdorf There are no dumb questions!

Dr. Gabby Maddox Don’t have a funny question but a funny moment – An owner dancing in the room for their dog and I walked in and complimented them on their dance moves.

Dr. Valerie TratnyekCan I leave my kids here and take the dog home? It would be much quieter!

Dr. Amy Boxberger Do you think this (stuff in a baggie, on a paper towel, or this picture) is vomit or stool?

What questions do you have for our doctors? Post them to our social media page, or let us know the next time you bring your pet in to see us! And as always, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns regarding your pet. We are here for you!